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International Student Career Advising at the QUIC

Welcome to Career Services


Career Services supports students and recent graduates from all faculties and schools. Whether you know what career path you are on or not, our team will empower you to explore your workplace skills and make informed decisions for your future. Together we will work to find the right path for you that will set you up for the success you want.

Staff, Faculty, and Community 

Our team supports staff across all departments and works with you to build valuable career-focused experiences for your students. Whether you are creating an experiential learning environment for your class or developing job descriptions to find the right student hire, we’ll help you incorporate essential workplace skills to make it happen.

Employers and Recruiters 

Find your next great hire! We'll work with you to develop an effective recruitment strategy to attract the right match from our talented and diverse students and alumni. We look forward to working with you! Get started.

Request for Accommodation

We are committed to an inclusive campus community with accessible services and facilities that respect the dignity and independence of persons with disabilities. 

Career Services would be pleased to assist you with specific disability accommodations or alternate formats needed during your visit to our centre. Please contact us to request accommodation.  

To help you assess what accommodations might be needed, we have described what is already available in our centre, below. We are located in an accessible building on Queen's campus which includes:

  • power-assisted entry doors at accessible, ground-floor entrance (front of building facing Union Street)
  • elevator
  • accessible washrooms on every floor
  • some scent-free zones
  • water for service animals
  • staff trained in accessible customer service

News from Career Services


Our work in Career Services is directly tied to many UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), contributing to the university’s social impact and making a tangible difference in the lives of others.

No Poverty. Quality Education. Decent work and economic growth. Industry, innovation and infrastructure. Reduced inequalities. Sustainable cities and communities.