Summer Jobs & SWEP

There are new job postings daily in MyCareer and employers continue to attend career fairs and other events.

Career Services is here to help – explore the resources below, and we encourage you to connect with us for more support. Speak with a Career Education & Coach at drop-in Career Advising or by booking an appointment.


To be eligible for SWEP positions, students must be:

  • currently registered in their first full-time Queen’s undergraduate degree program and
  • returning to the same full-time Queen’s undergraduate degree program in the fall

Students with disabilities who are registered with Queen’s Student Accessibility Services will be evaluated as full-time as long as they are enrolled in at least 40% of a full course load (6.0 credit units in each term of study) in the terms before and after the SWEP summer term.

Please note that concurrent B.Ed (Bachelor of Education) students are eligible.

All SWEP job descriptions will be posted online in MyCareer, and you must apply through MyCareer.

Each job posting indicates what is required, how to address your cover letter, and job-specific details about how to apply. Check dates and deadlines for important posting dates and application deadlines. Please note that late applications will not be accepted.

After the student application deadline, all electronic applications are made available to employers. Employers then commence hiring from their SWEP applicant pool. Departments will contact students directly with regard to interviews and job offers.

After a student has accepted a SWEP position, they must meet with their employer to sign an employment contract.

31 Oct 2024        Deadline for submission of SWEP job proposals from employers
13 Dec 2024       Notification to employers regarding job proposals (successful/not successful)
16 Dec 2024       Summer 2025 job postings available for students to view in MyCareer
13 Feb 2025       Deadline for students to apply to SWEP Summer 2025 job postings
14 Feb 2025       Student applications are sent to employers
31 Mar 2025       Employer deadline for hiring a student and returning signed contract
1 May 2025        Beginning of Student Work Term period
31 Aug 2025       End of Student Work Term period

You must apply to SWEP jobs online through MyCareer.

To successfully apply for a job, you must:

  1. Ensure you are eligible to apply for a SWEP job (you are enrolled as a full-time student, not set to graduate at the end of this year)
  2. Create an application package by completing the required documents for each position you are interested in
  3. Submit your applications through MyCareer
  4. Confirm you have applied to the job though the MyCareer portal

To work in the SWEP program students must have a Social Insurance Number

To learn how to get a SIN number, go to the Queen's University International Centre website

Please read the Student Work Study & SWEP Manual

The Student Manual includes important details about working in a SWEP position. This manual will help you understand how to accept a job, what to do after you’ve been hired and before you begin, and the payment process. It is a valuable and informative resource for all SWEP students, and will help you make a trouble-free transition to your new workplace.

Are the jobs full time? 

The program does not require that employers submit only full-time positions; however, the vast majority of jobs are for 16 weeks at 35 hours per week. Some employers may offer students some flexibility in when those hours are worked.

When do the jobs begin? 

Employment can commence on or after May 1 and must terminate by August 31. Jobs may run a maximum of 16 weeks in this 18-week window. Actual start and finish dates will depend on the needs of the employer.

Who does the hiring? 

The department, faculty, or school which has had its SWEP job proposal approved hires the student. Once the employer has access to the applications they will conduct interviews, select a candidate, and make a job offer.

How many student jobs are available? 

Each year, approximately 160-170 on-campus summer positions are created through SWEP.

How much do I get paid? 

The 2025 summer base rate is $18.20 per hour, plus vacation pay.

What types of jobs are available? 

There are a wide variety of SWEP positions available, and they change every year. Here are some sample SWEP jobs from past years:

  • Aquatic Assessment Biologist
  • Residence Life Assistant
  • Formula SAE Chassis Design
  • Marketing Researcher
  • Genetic Counselling Assistant
  • Interviewer - Oral History Project
  • GPS and GIS for Biological Field Study
  • Legal Research Assistant
  • Aquatic Biomonitoring
  • Computations by neurons
  • Student Auditor
  • News Coordinator
  • Girls Quest Instructor
  • Stage Manager
  • Music Perception and Cognition
  • Linguistics Research Assistant
  • Solar Array Manager
  • Vegetation Ecology

SWEP Student Zakiy Zeberi

Zakiy's Story

As an Educational Design Assistant at Queen's University Faculty of Law, my time in the SWEP program has allowed me to discover and grow in the areas of educational design, technology, and teamwork.

By building a foundation in design principles, a firm understanding of the I-EDIAA framework, and proficiency in the tools required to create engaging multimedia content, I've honed skills that will undoubtedly shape my future. Through collaboration with experts and mentors in the Educational Development team, I had the privilege of contributing to impactful projects–designing educational materials, conducting thorough course reviews, and even developing a faculty spotlight video.

My ability to critically analyze, manage complex tasks, and communicate effectively has been refined through this experience, setting me up for success in any path I choose to pursue. I am immensely grateful for the opportunity to have contributed to the faculty’s educational endeavors and for the knowledge and skills I have gained.


Student head-shot
Mide's Story

I work in the Cottrell laboratory as a SWEP undergraduate research student during the summer and volunteer during the school year. In this lab, the goal is to observe the differences in the effectiveness of immunotherapy treatment at the cellular level for lung cancer patients. This will be observed with biomarkers called multiplex immunofluorescence. I have been performing tasks like phenotyping, pixel analysis, ground truth projects, scanning/stamping slides, and data analysis via coding under the tutelage of senior lab members. 


Two students working in a lab
Lauren's Story

My name is Lauren and through SWEP I was able to obtain a position as Undergraduate Research Assistant in Orthopaedic Biomechanics with the Queen’s Bone and Joint Biomechanics Lab. In this position I assist masters and PhD students with their research, as well as receive training on equipment to conduct my own experiments. I have had the opportunity to practice my CAD design skills, 3D print, conduct mechanical testing, and learn new methods of FE analysis beyond what I was taught in class. SWEP was able to connect me with positions within my faculty that fit my interests and future goals. I have learned new skills, made friends, and established connections with professors and faculty thanks to my position with SWEP.

Read Tori's story about being a SWEP student! - Feb 2017

“My SWEP experience was amazing. I developed an immense and vast skillset at my job and it helped me understand what my future career path may look like.”

Sophia Ewaniuk